Welcome to the
Littlehampton Concert Band
‘Bringing music to the community’
Welcome to the Littlehampton Concert Band.
These notes are intended to provide a useful introduction to the Littlehampton Concert Band (the Band), its organisation and structure. The purpose of the Band is to provide regular concerts and outdoor performances for the benefit of the community and as such, enjoys popular local support. Its success is built around the commitment and dedication of its members as well as the fun and enjoyment had by the players which is conveyed through the music.
For over a century there has been a town band in Littlehampton. The present concert band was re-formed in 1988 and funded by the council with the intention of being a marching band in the town carnival. However it was later agreed that the Band would instead be a self-funded concert band.
Over the years the Band has evolved and today its membership has grown from around 30 players to nearly 50, representing all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Originally based in the Littlehampton School, the Band moved to St. Mary’s Church Hall and then to the Body Shop Trading Post before settling in St. Catherine’s School, courtesy of the Head Teacher and Governors.
There are a number of regular annual events in the Band’s calendar. These are as follows:
• Springtime Concert - In recent years, the Band has performed an annual spring concert at
the Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis. This is a themed event with band members dressing
according to the theme.
• The Birthday Concert - This is usually in May and is a free concert celebrating the Band’s
anniversary of when it was formed in 1988. This is performed in the Rustington Woodlands Centre.
• Summer Concert - The Band normally puts on a free, Sunday outdoor concert at the end of July in
Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton.
• Last Night of the Proms - At the end of September, the Band performs a Last Night of the Proms
Concert in the Windmill Theatre, Littlehampton.
• Rustington Christmas Concert - This is joint concert involving local choirs, speakers and community
singing, organized by the Rustington Parish Council. This is also held in the Rustington Woodlands
The Band will occasionally undertake other engagements locally, normally indoor concerts but may also be
outdoors in the summer months. The details of all performances are announced at rehearsals in advance
and on the website. Members are asked to indicate their availability on a sign-up sheet a few weeks before
each event.
The Band rehearses weekly during school terms at St. Catherine’s School, Littlehampton. There is an early rehearsal (6.30pm to 7.15pm) which is a useful extra session for any members who want a bit of extra practice at some of the music. This is followed by the full rehearsal from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, with a short break for refreshments at 8.30pm.
Any change of scheduling is announced at rehearsals in advance, or by email, text or phone if it is a last-
minute change. Players who need to miss a rehearsal should advise the Musical Director or secretary and arrange for music to be returned if necessary.
Music is owned by the Band and kept in band folders (known as ‘pads’) as issued by the Librarian. Pads may be taken home for practice but members are asked to take care with the music and keep it in good condition. This means that members must not write on the music in pen (although light pencil marks are fine)and they must take care not to damage or deface the music. Any missing parts must be reported to the Librarian.
For rehearsals, members are asked to bring their own music stands. There are a number of spare music stands in case they are needed, which are stored in the Band’s secure shed on school site.
For concerts, the Band provides substantial music stands which are designed to take the official banners. These are only to be used in concerts. It is the responsibility of members to look after this equipment and to return it as instructed.
Uniform and Dress
Band members are provided with a blue waistcoat embroidered with the Band logo. For concerts, the uniform consists of white blouse / shirt, black trousers / skirt, stockings / tights, black shoes, plus the Band waistcoat and a black bow tie (men).
The Band welcomes new members at the discretion of the Musical Director depending on available spaces.
Whilst there is no minimum standard, new members should normally have relevant experience and be able
to demonstrate competence on their instrument. As a guide, the Band performs music equivalent to grade
5 or above so players will need to ensure they can cope with the demands of the programs.
Band members pay a subscrip:on at the start of each term to the Treasurer. The current rates are:
• £20 (individuals over 18)
• £15 (students 11-18)
This is the basis of the Band’s funding which is supplemented with income from concerts. If a player wishes to leave the Band, they should inform the Musical Director and return all band equipment such as music, stands, uniforms etc.
Overseas trips and social events
One of the most popular band activities is a social weekend away. This is normally held on alternate years with the aim of sight-reading and rehearsing a range of new music. It’s very relaxed and there are no performances at these events. Previous weekends have been held in Weymouth, Bournemouth, Eastbourne, Sandown (IOW) and Salisbury.
The Band has also made several trips abroad, usually over the summer half-term weekend combining local performances with sightseeing and social activities. Recent examples include Chennevieres (France), Durmersheim (Germany), Antwerp (Belgium) and St. Helier (Jersey). These trips are self-funded.
Various other social events are organised during the year, such as pub skittles, ten-pin bowling, and a Christmas Dinner with dancing. Members are encouraged to bring their spouses / partners to these enjoyable social functions.
Code of Practice
The Code of Practice sets out general expecta=ons of players for the benefit of the Band as a whole. It aims
to help:
• safeguard and enhance musical standards;
• contribute towards a positive musical ethos;
• provide a beneficial contribution by the Band to culture in the community.
A copy of the full Code is provided for all players and is also posted on the Band website.
Band website
The Band website contains documents and useful information about rehearsals, membership, concert dates, and social events. It also has a gallery of photographs from concert and social events. Documents include: the Band’s Constitution, Code of Practice, the Child Protection Policy, Minutes of meetings and Chairman’s reports. For those without access to the internet, printed copies of band documents and minutes are available from the Secretary.
Committee meetings and the AGM
The Band is managed by the committee which normally meets 4 or 5 times a year. Elections are held annually at the AGM in June during a rehearsal interval. Committee members may stand for re-election if desired and any vacancies may be filled. Minutes of meetings are recorded by the Secretary and made available on the website.
Committee Officers, Members and Contact Details (2022)
Position / Role
Email Address
Phone Number
Gill Askham
[email protected]
07792 583 288
Nicky Morris
[email protected]
07582 916 296
Hazel Haselip
[email protected]
07856 266 588
Janet Donnellan
[email protected]
07989 309 962
Diana Adams
[email protected]
07939 420 937
Sue Alcock
[email protected]
07956 540 780
Sue McGlennon
[email protected]
07723 033 381
Ray Cooper
[email protected]
07778 395 279
Bob Haselip
Musical Director (Ex Officio)
[email protected]
07730 312 678
Littlehampton Concert Band
‘Bringing music to the community’
Welcome to the Littlehampton Concert Band.
These notes are intended to provide a useful introduction to the Littlehampton Concert Band (the Band), its organisation and structure. The purpose of the Band is to provide regular concerts and outdoor performances for the benefit of the community and as such, enjoys popular local support. Its success is built around the commitment and dedication of its members as well as the fun and enjoyment had by the players which is conveyed through the music.
For over a century there has been a town band in Littlehampton. The present concert band was re-formed in 1988 and funded by the council with the intention of being a marching band in the town carnival. However it was later agreed that the Band would instead be a self-funded concert band.
Over the years the Band has evolved and today its membership has grown from around 30 players to nearly 50, representing all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Originally based in the Littlehampton School, the Band moved to St. Mary’s Church Hall and then to the Body Shop Trading Post before settling in St. Catherine’s School, courtesy of the Head Teacher and Governors.
There are a number of regular annual events in the Band’s calendar. These are as follows:
• Springtime Concert - In recent years, the Band has performed an annual spring concert at
the Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis. This is a themed event with band members dressing
according to the theme.
• The Birthday Concert - This is usually in May and is a free concert celebrating the Band’s
anniversary of when it was formed in 1988. This is performed in the Rustington Woodlands Centre.
• Summer Concert - The Band normally puts on a free, Sunday outdoor concert at the end of July in
Mewsbrook Park, Littlehampton.
• Last Night of the Proms - At the end of September, the Band performs a Last Night of the Proms
Concert in the Windmill Theatre, Littlehampton.
• Rustington Christmas Concert - This is joint concert involving local choirs, speakers and community
singing, organized by the Rustington Parish Council. This is also held in the Rustington Woodlands
The Band will occasionally undertake other engagements locally, normally indoor concerts but may also be
outdoors in the summer months. The details of all performances are announced at rehearsals in advance
and on the website. Members are asked to indicate their availability on a sign-up sheet a few weeks before
each event.
The Band rehearses weekly during school terms at St. Catherine’s School, Littlehampton. There is an early rehearsal (6.30pm to 7.15pm) which is a useful extra session for any members who want a bit of extra practice at some of the music. This is followed by the full rehearsal from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, with a short break for refreshments at 8.30pm.
Any change of scheduling is announced at rehearsals in advance, or by email, text or phone if it is a last-
minute change. Players who need to miss a rehearsal should advise the Musical Director or secretary and arrange for music to be returned if necessary.
Music is owned by the Band and kept in band folders (known as ‘pads’) as issued by the Librarian. Pads may be taken home for practice but members are asked to take care with the music and keep it in good condition. This means that members must not write on the music in pen (although light pencil marks are fine)and they must take care not to damage or deface the music. Any missing parts must be reported to the Librarian.
For rehearsals, members are asked to bring their own music stands. There are a number of spare music stands in case they are needed, which are stored in the Band’s secure shed on school site.
For concerts, the Band provides substantial music stands which are designed to take the official banners. These are only to be used in concerts. It is the responsibility of members to look after this equipment and to return it as instructed.
Uniform and Dress
Band members are provided with a blue waistcoat embroidered with the Band logo. For concerts, the uniform consists of white blouse / shirt, black trousers / skirt, stockings / tights, black shoes, plus the Band waistcoat and a black bow tie (men).
The Band welcomes new members at the discretion of the Musical Director depending on available spaces.
Whilst there is no minimum standard, new members should normally have relevant experience and be able
to demonstrate competence on their instrument. As a guide, the Band performs music equivalent to grade
5 or above so players will need to ensure they can cope with the demands of the programs.
Band members pay a subscrip:on at the start of each term to the Treasurer. The current rates are:
• £20 (individuals over 18)
• £15 (students 11-18)
This is the basis of the Band’s funding which is supplemented with income from concerts. If a player wishes to leave the Band, they should inform the Musical Director and return all band equipment such as music, stands, uniforms etc.
Overseas trips and social events
One of the most popular band activities is a social weekend away. This is normally held on alternate years with the aim of sight-reading and rehearsing a range of new music. It’s very relaxed and there are no performances at these events. Previous weekends have been held in Weymouth, Bournemouth, Eastbourne, Sandown (IOW) and Salisbury.
The Band has also made several trips abroad, usually over the summer half-term weekend combining local performances with sightseeing and social activities. Recent examples include Chennevieres (France), Durmersheim (Germany), Antwerp (Belgium) and St. Helier (Jersey). These trips are self-funded.
Various other social events are organised during the year, such as pub skittles, ten-pin bowling, and a Christmas Dinner with dancing. Members are encouraged to bring their spouses / partners to these enjoyable social functions.
Code of Practice
The Code of Practice sets out general expecta=ons of players for the benefit of the Band as a whole. It aims
to help:
• safeguard and enhance musical standards;
• contribute towards a positive musical ethos;
• provide a beneficial contribution by the Band to culture in the community.
A copy of the full Code is provided for all players and is also posted on the Band website.
Band website
The Band website contains documents and useful information about rehearsals, membership, concert dates, and social events. It also has a gallery of photographs from concert and social events. Documents include: the Band’s Constitution, Code of Practice, the Child Protection Policy, Minutes of meetings and Chairman’s reports. For those without access to the internet, printed copies of band documents and minutes are available from the Secretary.
Committee meetings and the AGM
The Band is managed by the committee which normally meets 4 or 5 times a year. Elections are held annually at the AGM in June during a rehearsal interval. Committee members may stand for re-election if desired and any vacancies may be filled. Minutes of meetings are recorded by the Secretary and made available on the website.
Committee Officers, Members and Contact Details (2022)
Position / Role
Email Address
Phone Number
Gill Askham
[email protected]
07792 583 288
Nicky Morris
[email protected]
07582 916 296
Hazel Haselip
[email protected]
07856 266 588
Janet Donnellan
[email protected]
07989 309 962
Diana Adams
[email protected]
07939 420 937
Sue Alcock
[email protected]
07956 540 780
Sue McGlennon
[email protected]
07723 033 381
Ray Cooper
[email protected]
07778 395 279
Bob Haselip
Musical Director (Ex Officio)
[email protected]
07730 312 678